The power of weekly plan lies in whatever it is that drives you in life. Time management is a determinant factor to work. Same it is with plan. It's only when you have identified what to plan for and how passionate you are about achieving success with it, that you can actually map a plan. 

In other words, if there is nothing to do, then there's nothing to plan for. While we talk more of your weekly plan is because it gives you leverage over your short-term and long-term goals. And if you do not use them well, months and years will roll by wastefully. 

Here are few ways to get your week rolling successfully. 

1. Perform a mind dump: Because there are so many unfinished task from the week past and you really need to deal with the new tasks still, it is necessary to do this exercise -the mind dump exercise. This simply means freeing up your brain and mind from those unfinished little tasks you had during the past week. You can write them down, preferably in a note. But ensure you empty them off from your brain. Just like the word implies "mind dump"; dump every thought off your mind. All those tasks you'll be worrying your brain trying to remember, dump them in a paper or your computer to-do-list. With this, you will know how bad or good your week went and how to make adjustments. 

2. Set weekly goals: After mind dump, you can go ahead and set your weekly goals. Because your week will definitely turn into months and your months to years, it means that your weekly goals has ample effect on your yearly/long-term goals. In other words, if you are able to set and achieve your weekly goals, you are in the same vein plotting your long term goal's graph. So take this seriously. In as much as it seems difficult for one to set daily goals, weekly goals is very important cos it cumulates the days. 

3. Plan your big rocks: I chose to call big rocks the most important tasks in your life. In as much as we want to accomplish certain goals and achieve certain dreams, some are definitely more important than the other. These ones that are considered more important are prioritized first. When you identify your big rocks, you plan every other goals around them.

4. Fill in the gaps: When you have identified your big rocks and set days in the week to carry these tasks out, the in-between spaces in these big rock tasks are what you're expected to fill up. Let's say, you identified three tasks as your big rocks. And you scattered them in the weekdays, three days out the week days are for the big rocks, it simply means that other days are empty. Here you fill them up with some minor tasks. And of course leave some empty, so you can use those times to rest and have fun. It gives you an outline of how your week its gonna be and things you want to achieve and at the same time allowing you time to have some rest and ease off. 

In summary, at the end of each week, review your goals to see whether you achieved them or not and adjust. However, you can do the review daily. It's more effective especially when you have planned out your big rocks. Also, be consistent in this exercise. Be consistent and intentional, with time you'll start seeing a good improvement. 

We wish you a productive week ahead. 

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