What's holding you back in your study abroad journey? 

What is your biggest single goal today and what holds you back from achieving it.

What sets the speed at which you achieve the goal? 

Many students will likely answer to these questions from different angles, some will go for the popular excuses: "I have no fund", "I don't have the required qualifications", "my GPA is low", and so on and so forth. Others are not even sure of what is holding them back. However, I've discovered that all of these maybe factors that can impact success but not the deciding or underlying factor. 

Do you know what is shackling people and depriving them from the success they really desire and deserve? In most cases, it is FEAR. It's a deep unconscious fear of failure or fear of rejection. 

It's a fear of loss. It's a fear that you'll not succeed. One may say, "not me, I'm fearless". The reality is, fear is inert in human beings. Which is by the way, a good thing. It is there for your protection. There are after all some things we should be fearful of. But, what about success? We should be embracing success, enjoying topping goals, accomplishing newer, better and greater things not being afraid of them. 

Fear must be recognized and managed properly or it becomes an anchor, that makes you become indecisive, develop self-doubt and simply fail to act. 

What if there was a way to turn fear into fuel? Would you like to know?

Let's dive in. 

1. Realize the role negative thinking plays in feeding your fears. 

I'm not saying you should ignore reality, but most often these negative thoughts are just a bogyman under the bed. When you look closer you'll find, there is nothing there. That's the reason we encourage our clients to adopt a particular type of mindset when applying to study abroad -the expatriate mindset. 

This kind of mindset gives you the confidence that you're not just travelling abroad to get helped, but in actual sense you have something to bring to the table. You have a story, you have a background, you have experiences, you have skills and expertise, you have a culture. These things are very unique and peculiar to you alone. Bring them forth and present them as your strengths. That's the mindset of success. 

2. Be proactive in managing these negative thoughts. 

Remember negative thoughts have the ability to drag you into inaction or indecision. So instead of saying "I can't", start thinking about "How can I". This is the real part of being proactive. 

Let's say for instance, your fear of not applying to study abroad is because of your poor grades, family (love and relationship), lack of fund or bad experiences. Start thinking of the "How's" in solving these problems. 

How can I study abroad even with my poor grades? 

Is it possible to travel abroad to study with my family or lover? 

How can I study abroad on low budget? 

How can I overcome visa denials and fake travel agents? etc

The moment you start seeking solutions to these questions, you're actually being PROACTIVE. At the end, you'll realize that all of those things that held you back were mere FEARS, because they have solution which is  -the right information. When you have the right information, you're mentally empowered. Vantage Migration prides herself in providing the most valid, up-to-date and accurate information when it comes to travelling abroad through STUDY ROUTE. Attend our Free webinar Here for details. 

3. Step out of your comfort zone 

Letting go of that comfort zone can create real fear. Yeah, it can. Reaching out for more may put your comfort in jeopardy, or risk your lifestyle. But, you must understand that your comfort zone is working against you, and not for you. 

A popular quote says "the only difference between a comfort zone and a grave is the depth". And I can't believe less. So step out of this zone, there aren't growth in there. Nevertheless, do not equate stepping out of comfort zone with being reckless. We never encourage that. But I do know that life is often best lived out of your comfort zone or at the very edge of it. 

4. Face fear head on 

Face your fears squarely, otherwise you'd keep running away from it. Turn those fears into empowering positive questions that your logical brain can work upon. Ask yourself this question sincerely: when it come to study abroad, what really are you afraid of? Are you willing to find solutions to these things? 

If yes, then attend our free webinar. There, we teach graduate students all over the world how to secure admissions and scholarships seamlessly. The good thing is, we teach them how to go through this process by themselves without engaging any travel agent. 

Students who have worked with us in the past have numerous testimonials. You can follow us on our social media handles to see them. 

Turn your fears to fuel by seeking for the right information

Wishing you a productive week ahead
