Importance STEM-related Courses - a glance in the future.


Do you remember what life was like before iPhones?

What about YouTube or Instagram?

There will be a vast array of new jobs available to university graduates - mostly related to knowledge creation and innovation. While advancements in machinery and technology may combine to provide graduates with the tools to explore, experiment, and find interesting solutions to complex problems, they will also open up a world of new career opportunities.

So what are these jobs of the future, and what areas of study will monopolize the career market from the 2020s to the 2050s?

According to Crimson Education South Africa Country Manager, Rebecca Pretorius, students can future-proof their careers with qualifications in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Quoted in a Business Tech Article, Rebecca suggests that: Students need to consider choosing a field of study that is future proof after graduation. STEM job opportunities are being created at a much faster rate than students can graduate to fill them.

Of course, humanities students should not abandon their love for the arts, as the key to a student's future success and happiness is the pursuit of a career they enjoy.

In fact, five of the key skills for future employment involve the use of key human skills such as Mental Elasticity and Complex Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Creativity and People Skills, Interdisciplinary Knowledge.

Surveying the latest list of prospective new jobs for 2050 provides an interesting insight as to where the global career market may be headed.

Take a look at a list of five possible jobs of the future to launch your prospective career!

1. Tech.

Tech jobs are fast advancing and dominating. It is assumed that even companies that thrive on less digital operation techniques have embraced the wind of tech. This development has made tech jobs more lucrative and ever-demanding. Skills like machine learning engineering, Ux design/software development, Robotic engineering, data science, and cloud engineering are glaringly futuristic tech skills.

2. Nurse Practitioner and other healthcare jobs.

Medical care is something we all need and will continue to need in the future. While scientists and medical experts are discovering new ways to fight diseases and improve overall health, there will always be a need for knowledgeable, advanced nursing services and the personal care of a nurse practitioner.

Nurse practitioners have master's degrees in at least one specialized nursing role. They also have to earn a registered nursing license and pass the national certification exam. Nurse practitioners can also act as primary or specialty care providers. They can perform exams, assess patient needs, and prescribe medications. Similar to a doctor, nurse practitioners practice in specific areas of medicine.

Truth is, All Healthcare Occupations are Growing. And will continue to remain relevant. 

With the rise of mental health awareness and an aging population, medical occupations are some of the best careers of the future. Therapists, counselors, social workers, doctors, occupational therapists, physician assistants, and home health aides will be popular high-paying careers in the next 5-15 years.

3. Market Research Analysts

Through advancing technology, marketing analysts will have endless amounts of information available to study market conditions, form predictions, conduct analyses, and make decisions. The software will take over the tedious job of gathering and processing data, but knowledgeable and educated marketing analysts will still need to know how to use the software to look for patterns and draw conclusions from those patterns.

4. Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineers are in the business of optimization and efficiency. They use math, statistics, science, and engineering principles to evaluate people, systems, and processes within a business—including supply chains, operations, finance, and machinery or equipment. Their goal is to figure out the most effective way to integrate the systems and processes needed to create a product or service. They ensure businesses keep costs low and productivity high and hit organizational goals

5. Information System Management/Cyber Security

Information systems managers (also known as IS managers) are responsible for designing and managing the information systems within an organization. They typically hold a senior-level role within a company information technology (IT) department and are tasked with evaluating a company's current technology, staying up-to-date on available upgrades and best practices, developing an information systems strategy or plan, making recommendations on everything from hardware to software to security, and overseeing a team to implement their plans and recommendations.

Every company or firm is going digital. And in the digital space, there are so many frauds, attackers, and scams, who protects the digital properties of these firms and shields off digital intruders? If you can think about the answer to this, then you can figure out why this career path is definitely a career of the future -evergreen, ever-demanding.

In conclusion, students with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) qualifications will be relevant in future job markets. So start now to factor yourself in, so you won't be left out.


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