The importance of having a Vision Board as a student.

Everyone has something that they want to bring to life. But what if you can't see it? What if you don't even know what you want?

If you don't have a vision and you’re struggling to pinpoint what you want and where you want to go, it is difficult to get traction. So now is the time to think about your life and what you want out of life. Because if you do not know where you want to be or who you want to become in life, you may find it very difficult to create a vision board.

An adage says, "the world makes way for the man who knows where he is going". Without a clear vision, it's hard to direct your efforts in ways that serve your goals. It's also very hard to attract the support and resources you need.

This is one of the most important reasons you need a vision board today.

You might have heard people talk about manifestation, the idea that you can attract your dream vision into your life by thinking about it. In reality, our dreams don't manifest on their own. Achieving your goals and realizing your potential takes work. Hard work and you must be willing to do the work.

Vision boards are all about intentions, and they are a great way to remind yourself of what your intentions are -this is a simple way to put it. People who use vision boards always keep them where they can easily see them. Like on a mirror or room wall

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collage of words and images that represents your goals or dreams. This board can be physical or digital. You can make them about anything. Whether you want to focus on your studies or career goals, its usually a tool to help you visualize what you want to achieve. As a student, you need a vision board. Something that reminds you of who you want to become.

How to make a powerful vision board

Decide what you don’t want to include to ensure that your vision is strong, simple and focused. Imagine that you are making a vision board about achieving your postgraduate degree. You can include graduation-style pictures, post-it notes about assignments that will be completed and quote to keep you motivated.

Other things you might want to include on your vision board are career goals, participation in a particular society or club, a study abroad destination you’d like to go to or a grade you’d like to achieve while you’re at university. No goal is too small – if it matters to you and it’s something you want to achieve, you should include it.

Some things to avoid when making your vision board.

Don’t get distracted by trying to find the perfect quote or image. Pick one that has the feeling you are aiming for and include it; you can always swap it out later if a more accurate one comes along. Otherwise, you’ll be forever searching for the perfect image and you won’t complete your vision board.

You don't have to include only outcomes that feel possible. You might want to include the goal of doing a PhD or a master’s degree if it’s something you hope to do but aren’t sure whether it’s possible just yet.

Vision board should be unique to you, you don't have to follow convention. If you see an image or a quote that evokes a feeling or thought in you, then include it, regardless of what it was meant to mean. Its best to ensure that your vision board reflects you and your goals personally.

Finally, don’t settle. This is your vision, your dream and your ideal outcome. Believe that you can achieve anything and you shouldn’t sell yourself short.
