If you do the right things in the right way, you'll get whatever result you desire. Traveling abroad for study is like a project, especially when you want to take the journey with us. Every step of the way counts. Remember, we are teaching you to be your own travel agent. The only difference is we will be your accountability partner and if you play by the rules, success is guaranteed. 

Procrastination, from our experience so far has been one of the reasons many students fail to achieve success in their goals. It has the ability to completely derail your path to success. 

How can you overcome this in your study abroad journey? 

1. Change your thinking 

Every success and failure starts from the mindset. I've said it over and again. If you spend all of your time thinking about how your habit of chronic procrastination gets in the way of all of your goals, then your subconscious mind will accept that as the truth, and your life will continue to play out same. 

So instead of starting off a task and leaving it half way to come back, finish it up at once. Instead of thinking of how you'll contact us on Instagram or Facebook whenever you're ready, while not watch our Free Webinar. There are things you need to start doing now to prepare yourself for the journey. Most of those things do not really require you to spend money. Start from there. Just start. 

2. Eat your Ugliest life frog 

Ugly life frog here simple means biggest obstacle. It doesn't do you any good to stare at this big task in front of you and postpone when to do it till forever. If you resolve to take action and get it over and done with, your entire life will be uninhibited. It's important to remember that you cannot manage time. Time exist completely out of our control, but we can learn to use our time properly. 

So let's say for instance, your biggest task when it comes to studying abroad is to get your transcript, email a supervisor, prepare your academic documents etc, and these things when settled would have a major impact in your journey, you're expected to deal with them as top priority. 

Do not procrastinate them! JUST START IT. Stop waiting! 

3. Always remember your "Why" 

This serves as a kind of motivation for many. Whenever you remember your "Why", you'll be more motivated to do the things you ought to do. So what are your "Why's" Why do you want to study abroad? 

Why do you choose to study in a particular country? 

Why do you choose a particular program? 

When you're able to analyze these questions properly. You would be inspired to kick laziness off your feet. So always remember your "Why" 

4. Get an Accountability Partner 

Like I mentioned earlier, you need an accountability partner to succeed in your study abroad journey. The truth is, it can be downright stressful sometimes. And you would loose focus or get distracted, but with an accountability partner, you're geared up to action. Find someone who loves to be part of your success, someone who keys into your dream and ambition. Someone you report to concerning your progress and failure. 

However, not everyone does well with an accountability partner. Some people prefer to hold themselves accountable than anyone else. I have an Auntie who would write down all the things she wants to do in a day in a separate piece of paper. And then she would drop them on the floor towards the entrance of her room. Whenever she passes by, she picks one and make sure she settles the task before filing it in her task documents. This is what works for her. For you to be productive and maximize the use of your time, you need to find what works for you.

If you really want to travel abroad and you're looking for an accountability partner, then follow our social media handles. 

Instagram: @drlindaiheme 

Facebook: Dr Linda Iheme 

YouTube: Dr Linda Iheme TV

We are waiting for you to take action!
